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> Paying for Recordings, On Your Honor!

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Paying for Recordings, On Your Honor!

St Patrick's Day 2000, Jack Quinn's Irish Pub, Colorado Springs, Colorado
St Patrick's Day 2000, Jack Quinn's Irish Pub, Colorado Springs, Colorado

These recordings are provided as a service to you.  I encourage you to listen, download them, and determine their value to you.  Obviously there are expenses involved in providing this service, and I would appreciate your supporting it with a donation of your choice.

Please take the time you need to download, listen and evaluate.  If you think you might forget to send your payment, just send me an email now, and let me know when you'd like me to send you a reminder.  Then sit back and enjoy this music without any pressure to pay for it!

  • If you know what you would like to pay, just send it in now!
  • If you don't, please see the Guidelines, below!
Best: PayPal ... send your donation to henry@htfiddler.net
or, send check or money order for US dollars, payable to:
Henry T Fiddler
8795 Ralston Road #237
Arvada, Colorado 80002

Guidelines, things to consider when making a donation:

  • talent, time & effort required to make these recordings
  • quality of recordings
  • rental of server space and bandwidth to transmit them to you
  • number of recordings you downloaded
  • amount of use and value you expect to derive from these files over time
  • Would you like to support further development of this website, including more multimedia files?
  • your ability to contribute/donate/support
If there is something specific you would like to see on this website, please let me know!  Also, I am always open to your ideas on non-monetary means of support.  Just send an email.

Some of you may recall seeing me out on the road back in the early 70's with my trusty old yellow Hills Brothers Coffee can.  For four years I lived on the contributions people dropped in that slot.  It worked so well, I decided to give it another shot!  So please help support my efforts to distribute my art via the Internet, and eliminate all the plastic and middlemen!  I trust you!

Click tip can to go to PayPal now.  Use email address: henry@htfiddler.net

Henry's Old Yellow Tip Can (circa 1971)
Henry's Old Yellow Tip Can (circa 1971),100,000
miles down the road & still functioning well  :) !!

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